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Genia - Cessna Citation Jet

1) Tell us what made you want to become a pilot?​

Firstly, some short info about me before I tell you about my ‘pilot story’.My name is Genia, 22 years old from Berlin. I’m currently flying the Citation Jet for a small Executive Company also based in Berlin. Let’s start... I never was a typical girl: Shy, not confident, always hiding and I hated horses. That’s why I started with motocross (My first big love I have to mention- before I discovered flying) and which I did about more than 10 years. My first flight experience was when I was 11, going to the UK for a language trip. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was a very turbulent flight into heavy rain. While disembarking I walked really slowly to the forward exit. That was the first time in my life I saw a real cockpit. While doing my A-Levels, there was just one big question in my head: ‘What am I going to do after school?’ One day my father sat in front of his TV, watching ‘Worst place to be a pilot’ and says: ‘What about becoming a pilot?’I laughed and said: ‘Me? A pilot? I can’t even take responsibility for my plants! ‘But I started thinking about his idea and thought- let’s give it a try... At the LH information day in 2011, were two pilot students talking about their flight training and experiences. They also showed pictures and videos of their time building in Arizona. There it was… that special ‘WOW’ effect. Since that moment I wanted to become a pilot as well. About a year after my A-Levels (in March 2013) I started my integrated ATPL course as a completely novice with no flight or flight simulator experience.

2) What aircraft did you fly your initial training?​

In my flight school we had several Types of aircrafts which you all fly trough flight training.The first Type I flew was the little Cessna 152. I’ve changed then to the Tecnam P2002. After I flew three different C172’s. I also have a few hours in the Aquila. After that whole ‘PPL level flying’ ( I also did my Private pilot license in between which is optional) I flew my favourite aircraft- the PA28 Archer. That was a real love story. I’ve made my 300NM solo with the Archer. As Complex AC we had the PA28 Arrow, which is also one of my favourite aircrafts. Multi engine I did on the Diamond 42. But you also can choose the PA44.

3) What advice would you give to aspiring pilots?​

To aspiring pilots. I would say: If it is your dream. Do it! It is helpful to have family or people who are supporting you in financial or mental ways. After the training. Stay motivated. Job search sometimes seems to be a bit hopeless but always STAY motivated. Because sometimes- all you need is luck. And remember: ‘Good things take time!’

4) What is your favourite destination to fly to?

​I think every place is beautiful on its own way. I am not that experienced yet to answer this Question. But Newcastle has a nice approach over the coast and you can also see the beautiful green landscape full of hills. It’s a great view.

5) Where did you train?

I did my flight training at a private flight school called ‘Ardex’ in Kyritz. (Near Berlin)

6) What has been your best moment in the air?​

Definitely- the first time flying the Citation Jet after my Type Rating (November 2016) Base training is magic. You’ll never forget this awesome moment in your life.

7) Was there something you wish you did prior to starting your flight training, that would be beneficial for aspiring pilots to do ?

I think it could be helpful to make a Private pilot license before. I think if flying had been an hobby before it were a bit easier to get into all theory and would be easier to understand. It’s always good to have some practical background and experience.

8) What was your hardest part of your training?​

The hardest part was actually the theory at the beginning. Because I was a totally beginner it was very tough for me to get into it. Also flying was at first a bit difficult because I had no experience before. But the more I practised the more confident I got. I am also happy that I had so many great flight instructors who always helped me and pushed me. When I think about my flight training I really miss the time. I totally loved it and I think it was one of the best times of my life.

9) What is the biggest misconception people have about your job?​

The biggest misconceptions are that you earn lots of money and that your not a pilot just a 'Co-pilot'.

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